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PLUNGE Founder's Protocol

PLUNGE Founder Mike has been doing the same protocol for years and has had a dramatic effect on his life.  It typically gives him: increased energy levels, enhanced creativity, boosted metabolism, reduced inflammation, elevated mood, smoother digestion, and silkier hair.

General Contrast Therapy: Mike's Protocol
Great for beginners!


Thirty (30) minutes infrared sauna session.


Do a set of 20 squats to increase internal body temperature.


Get into the Plunge with the temperature set to 50-55 degrees Fahrenheit.  Slide in so that your ears go below the surface while your mouth stays above. Breathe calmly for 30 deep breaths (2-3 minutes). When your breath work is done, dunk your head for a few seconds and get out of the Plunge.


Exit the Plunge and dry off. Get into a squat position and lunge from side to side while throwing a punch and exhaling deeply.  Do a set of 30.  Large exhales and movement will naturally heat the body up.

NOTE: The information here is not medical advice, nor should it be taken and applied as a replacement for medical advice. Kairos Float & Wellness Studio, its employees, its guests, and affiliates assume no liability for the application of the information discussed.  Always consult a board-certified Medical Doctor before adding or removing any health or fitness, nutrition or supplementation or drug treatment protocol.

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